Sunday School

Ulu Cami provides Islamic education for youth ages 7 to 17. Classes are held on Sundays in three semesters:
Spring, Summer, Fall.

The registration form is at the bottom of this page.

Registration is currently closed due to capacity.

For more questions or concerns, reach out to Davud Kaplan at (862) 262-3583. WhatsApp or SMS is preferred.


Our Sunday School tuition has recently been adjusted for Spring 2025.

New fees are as follows:

For more information, read the Board of Directors' announcement:

Board Statement on Tuition Increase (Jan 2025)

To pay school tuition via Stripe, please use the following link:

Note: Please make sure to specify your children's names in the form.

Alternatively, you can send your payment via Venmo to ULUCAMINJ:

Or, you can pay with Zelle using our email:

Note: If you pay via Venmo or Zelle, make sure to notify us of the payment and student names.

Sunday School Spring 2025

Our Sunday Sunday school is open for registration.

Every Sunday, between Jan 26th and May 25th.


United Islamic Center (Ulu Cami)
408 Knickerbocker Ave
Paterson, NJ 07503


For more information about the Sunday School, reach out to Davud Kaplan at (862) 262-3583 (English / Turkish only), preferably via WhatsApp or SMS.

For general inquiries, reach out to Ulu Cami’s main number: (973) 345-6584


Sunday School will be held for 4 months, until the end of May.

All students must be between the ages of 7 and 17.

Having prior knowledge of Arabic or the Qur’an is not a requirement for participation.

Place and Time

The Sunday School will start on Sunday, January 26th and continue every Sunday until the last class is held on Sunday, May 25th.

Every Sunday, class will be held between 9:30am and 12:15pm. During daylight saving time, class will be held between 10:30am and 1:15pm. We will remind you of this scheduling change.

Since the Dhuhr Prayer (Öglen Namaz) is prayed at 12:15pm (1:15pm during daylight saving time), students may be picked up either before or, preferably, after the prayer is completed. Parents are encouraged to join us for prayer.


The main mode of communication for school related things will be through WhatsApp.

Parents will be added to a WhatsApp group after registration.

If class is cancelled or delayed on any day, we will send you a notice in advance via WhatsApp. We encourage all parents to check the WhatsApp group for updates regularly and especially on Sunday mornings before dropping students off at the mosque.

Seating arrangements

Boys and girls have separate classrooms.

Due to limited seating and instructor count, we will be unable to accept additional student registrations when the classroom fills up.

If interested, please register soon!

Food — Snacks & Lunch

Students are encouraged to bring their own snacks or lunch.

Ulu Cami may occasionally provide snacks or lunch (e.g. pizza) to students.

Health/Medical Conditions and Food Allergies

Please let us know if your child has any health or medical conditions that we should be aware of, such as food allergies.

We will try to provide reasonable accommodation but it is the responsibility of each student to check ingredients and allergy warnings of any snacks or food.

Educational Topics

Class time will be split between the following topics:


Read about our recent tuition adjustment: Board Statement on Tuition Increase (Jan 2025)

School fees are:

Tuition will be collected digitally via Zelle, PayPal or Stripe, a secure online payment platform.

To pay school tuition via Stripe, please use the following link:

Note: Please make sure to specify your children's names in the form.

Alternatively, you can send your payment via Venmo to ULUCAMINJ:

Or, you can pay with Zelle using our email:

Note: If you pay via Venmo or Zelle, make sure to notify us of the payment and student names.

Liability Waiver and Release Agreement

In consideration of my child participating in the Ulu Cami Sunday School Program and its related activities, I hereby waive, release, and discharge Ulu Cami form any and all responsibilities or liabilities for injury resulting from my child’s participation, and in the unlikely event Ulu Cami staff administers first-aid or emergency medical aid.

By registering my child, I consent to my child’s image being used by Ulu Cami for social media and its website in furtherance of Ulu Cami’s non-profit purpose.

Registration is currently closed due to capacity.

For more questions or concerns, reach out to Davud Kaplan at (862) 262-3583. WhatsApp or SMS is preferred.

Or navigate to the Sunday School registration form using the following link: